By Juanita Smith

“For you can all prophesy…” 1 Corinthians 14:31

I am often asked the meaning of the scripture, you can all prophesy. What’s distinguishes one who prophesies from one who is a prophet? This thought came to me while in my quiet time recently. It is this: “Prophesy is to the prophet as a cook is to a chef.”

It is rare to find an adult who cannot cook enough to sustain herself. Usually, anyone in their teens learns to cook if only for the sake of survival. And on the other end of the spectrum is Grandma, who is the best cook around. Everyone eagerly plops down at the kitchen table for a delicious meal. By empirical knowledge, she learned to cook from her mother and passes it on to other family members.

I remember reading about Maya Angelo, who found herself at a glamorous dinner party with her gregarious husband who was busy being the life of the party, leaving her to fend for herself. Disgusted, Maya slipped into the kitchen to get away from it all. Awkwardly she asked the hired woman in the kitchen if she could help her cook. Dismayed, the woman just looked at her. Maya, responded, I know how to cook. In fact I am a very good cook. The woman sarcastically replied, you may know how to cook but you are no cook. Of course Maya knows how to cook but she is not a professional…she is not a chef.

A chef is also a cook and more. A chef has attended school, understands food properties, nutritional values, proportion control, how to present a dish etc. There is a level of education, training and experience that goes beyond Grandma’s kitchen. A chef is a professional. Food is her life’s work.

The same is true with all Christians having a measure of grace that allows them to hear from God and speak to man. We can all do this…just not to the same degree. One who is a professional when it comes to hearing from God is similar to a chef. They have training, experience, knowhow, and position. They are recognized in their community of believers as one who is especially empowered to hear and speak for God.

Just as Grandma surely can cook, but is not a chef; the same is true about prophesying. Most believers can on occasion, give a prophetic word. It could be a word of wisdom or knowledge or discernment. This may be a gift but not a calling. A calling becomes who you are and your life’s work.